Oz Led Fusion PARTYcle Accelerator – a dream for the Borderland 2018

DemBambiSeiMudder & Salon Leobard are proud to announce a  dream we have for The Borderland 2018: Oz Led Fusion PARTYcle Accelerator. Give us your hearts there!

The Hammock Reactor is returning to The Borderland!
Our Research & Pseudo-Science Department determined that we need a better source of fusion power for the reactor core and outer torus: 4320 LEDs deliver oodles of pure joy straight to your bodies and hearts.

Full description of the concept

The Hammock Reactor[1] is an experiment in applied Burnerphysics to generate positive party energy from fusing hippies.

[Exhibit 1] https://vimeo.com/237744578

In 2018, we asked the scientific question: Could PARTYcle accelerators act as fusion generators to power the hammock reactor?
Well, fusion power’s main issue is sustaining fusion. Since PARTYcle colliders are able to direct two beams of protons to collide at a specific spot with very precise energy, we ask ourselves: Can we use this technology to enlighten our hearts?
We use light emitting diodes to send out protons in all directions but the proton-proton cross section is very small, so we need a great amount of protons to effectively power the hammock reactor. We use kinetic energy of the emitted protons to brighten our nights and light the way for awesome trips.
The particles required in each of the superstructure’s beams is carefully calculated by our specialists in order to gain the highest power of love possible. Assuming these particles have high power consumption with a total beam current of 90 A at 5 V. This requires careful planning, a grid of information source and separate power distribution, to make the awesomeness happen.
Lots of LEDs are already available, but more are needed, because more LEDs => better parties, as shown by DemBambiSeiMudder’s First Law of Hippie Dynamics.

Three modes of operation:
Fusion: Soothing and calming, when our bodies relax and our minds extend. When the hammocks give us a shelter to safely turn off our minds.
PARTYcle: DJs and bands please our ears while the PARTYcle provides the right amount of visual stimulation, synchronized to the audiowaves, to send our bodies and minds to an unbelievable state of ecstasy.
Fusion PARTYcle Accelerator: A symbiosis of sound and light waves forming an audiovisual explosion in our minds. Sit back, receive waves of pure joy, and trip away into other dimensions.

What happened so far?
Last year the Hammock Reactor had its debut with LEDs on the Reactor Core. It brought joy to the hippies and made Borderlings burst in happiness.
This year we extend the awesomeness. Among other improvements, this dream is all about the lighting. The outer ring needs LEDs on each post to create a fully immersive audiovisual installation. So more LEDs, more power supplies, more cables aaaaand lots of planning is needed. Planning started in February, and now it’s your chance to help make this plan happen.

What inspires us?
I’m in contact with Mark Slee, a Burner from SF. He created LX.Studio, a software that powered, among other projects, the Tree of TÉNÉRÉ [2]. He is helping to fuse the LX to enlighten this years Hammock Reactor’s LED Fusion PARTYcle Accelerator.
Soothing animations will be inspired by the Tree of TÉNÉRÉ and shows like the CLUSTER by Playmodes [3].

[Exhibit 2] https://www.treeoftenere.com/


[Exhibit 3] https://www.instagram.com/p/BfqrncGgXEz/?r=wa1


Power Consumption
Roughly 500 Watt. The 432 Watts for the LEDs is a maximum value that will probably never be met since it would be too bright anyway. Instead power saving animations are created. The power available to our camp with 25 people will definitely be enough. But the power will be routed through our own power banks anyway. So even if we temporarily draw more power during shows it will not directly be drawn from the power grid provided by the Borderland. And as additional safety measures a power consumption measuring thingy will be cutting the power once a predefined maximum value is exceeded.

Over the last year I already spent about 2500 € on equipment, software and hardware. About a third was financed through art grants at Mindburn, Schloss Schönburn and Vienna Burning Ball. Of course it’ll be reused once financed through a burning event. This year we need more LEDs, more power converters, cables etc. which currently add up to about 880 €. Details can be seen at the financing and parts list. [4]

[Exhibit 4] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13D5woHd233gDWpeJTkFpW-8NEb2yzSstYRA2ASeMaew/

What Salon Leobard does for The Borderland 2018

The scientists in our Research & Pseudo-Science Department have been hard at work since last September, trying to improve upon last year’s success. Their initial Hammock Reactor experiment from 2017 was to use a round stage, space for 24 hammocks, and shiny blinkenlights to attract borderlings into a comfy space to relax in, enjoy performances at, and just hang out in hammocks. But they dared to ask: could this be more?

This year, we’re not content to repeat ourselves: we want to make meaningful improvements to the concept. We are proposing two main improvements, each as a separate dream:

  1. OLPA—Oz Led Fusion PARTYcle Accelerator [dream]
  2. TOKAMAT— Tensional apparatus for producing controlled fusion reactions in a hot hippie plasma [dream]

About the group/Artist

The Hammock Reactor is brought to you by Salon Leobard. The LEDs are planned and fuelled with artistic emotion by DemBambiSeiMudder, a DJ and LED artist currently based in Graz, Austria. He has been creating LED Art with passion for a long time, and is able to pull this off. Still, it will definitely be his biggest megalomaniac burning project ever and is destined to blow your mind.



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